Korokke (コロッケ) were my youngest daughter’s favourite snack during our trip to Japan! Korokke are potato croquettes coated in panko and then deep fried. In Japan you can find many different kinds of korokke and I have already shared with you the recipe for Beef Korokke and Cheese Korokke. Today’s recipe is the basic version…
Cheese Korokke #SundaySupper
This week the Sunday Supper team is sharing Asian recipes!!! And, as you know, I have been sharing a few Japanese recipes lately, so this week’s theme couldn’t have come at a better time! During our recent Japanese holiday, we had so much amazing food. Korokke (コロッケ) were my youngest daughter’s favourite snack! Korokke are potato…
Beef Korokke
During our recent Japanese holiday, we had a lot of amazing food. In fact, Japanese cuisine is so much more than just (fantastic) sushi and sashimi! My youngest daughter especially liked korokke (コロッケ), aka potato croquettes coated in panko and then deep fried. Need I say more? Maybe I should also specify that there are…