Everyone has his/her signature dish… and this is definitely my mother’s. She is a very good cook and I have learnt a lot from her. I have always liked watching her preparing food in our kitchen back in Italy and I would help her any time I had the time. She can prepare all sorts of dishes, even fancy ones, but this “polpettone” (which is sort of a stuffed meatloaf) is a pretty easy recipe and it is the dish that I like the most. Whenever I go back to Milan or she visits me, this is one dish that I always have her prepare! I can never get enough! I have tried to replicate her “polpettone” many times, and I think I got quite close to the original with the following recipe! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Ingredients for 4 persons:
For the polpettone:
500 gms beef mince
3/4 cup Parmigiano Reggiano, thinly grated
3/4 cup breadcrumbs
1 egg (keep a little egg white for crumbing)
1 pinch grated nutmeg
For the stuffing:
100 gms mortadella, thinly sliced
75 gms provolone piquant and tasty/cheddar cheese, thinly sliced
For cooking:
1 onion, halved
2 bay leaves
1/2 tbsp rosemary leaves
1/2 glass white wine
1/3 glass water
1/2 beef or chicken stock cube
Put the mince, Parmigiano Reggiano, breadcrumbs, grated nutmeg, chopped parsley, salt and pepper in a bowl. Break the egg and keep a little bit of the white aside. Add the yolk and the remaining white to the mince and mix all the ingredients very well using your hands.
Take a sheet of baking paper, put the mince mix on it and flatten it well with your hands until you get a 3 mm thick rectangular sheet.
Then place the thinly sliced mortadella and provolone piquant on the top and roll it tight with the help of the paper, making sure it is well sealed and that there are no air pockets inside.
Then slightly beat the remaining egg white in a plate and coat the polpettone with it. Then put it in a plate full of breadcrumbs and coat well on all sides.
Put some vegetable oil in a frying pan and let it heat. When hot, put in the polpettone and fry it on all sides. In the meantime, prepare a low casserole dish with 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, 2 bay leaves, 1/2 tbsp rosemary leaves and 1 onion peeled and cut in half.
Let it heat on a low flame and after 2 minutes add the fried polpettone. Pour half a glass of white wine and after the alcohol has burnt off add the water and stock cube.
Cover and let it cook on a slow fire until the onion is very tender. Add some more water if required during cooking. When cooked, let it cool down and then cut it in thick slices (around 1 cm). Serve warm.
On another note… my new friend Lyn from My Lil Messy & Cheeky showered Manu’s Menu with more awards! Yeah! What a great way to start the weekend!!! She has an amazing blog and if you don’t know her yet, please check her site out and you will not be disappointed!!! Thank you soooo much Lyn from My Lil Messy & Cheeky!
Today I also got another award from Katherine of Katherine Martinelli a fantastic food and travel writer and photographer. Thank you Katherine! She has an amazing site, and you should absolutely check it out, she has some mouth watering recipes and amazing pictures in there! I feel so honored to be be given an award by such a talented writer and photographer!!!
Thank you so much Katherine of Katherine Martinelli!!! <3
And as per tradition here are 7 things about myself you still don’t know:
- I am an only child. I have never minded this while growing up as I have had very good friends around me, so I have never missed a sibling. I was actually relieved I didn’t have to share anything with anyone and I was happy to have my parents’ undivided attention. Now that I am a “grown up” though I realise that I am actually missing something… and I so much wish I had a brother or sister to share my happiness and sadness with!
- I am not 100% satisfied with my food presentation and photography skills! I know I would need to sit down and read my camera’s manual, but I never seem to have enough time (or enough “quiet time”) with 2 little ones running around. I am also considering getting a new lens to make my life a bit easier… hopefully that will help. Suggestions anyone??
- I have realised that the food blogging world can at times be a bit “selective” and that some people tend to feel a bit superior to others, but I don’t let that bother me. I am enjoying what I am doing… and I think there’s room for everyone to express their talent. I also know I have a lot to improve… but I am working on it and I will until I have fun doing it. I also found some amazing friends along the way (you know who you are!!!), and that’s enough to make me smile!
- I wish I had more time (many of you know what I mean right?) to be in my kitchen, experiment, set the background for my pictures, take the pictures… But I don’t! Maybe when both my little ones go to school I’ll have some extra time to do things in a more “relaxed” way. 😉
- The thing I like the most about people is when they smile at you for no apparent reason… just out of kindness. The thing I hate the most about people is when they talk behind your back… I find that so irritating!
- I believe that everyone should be given an opportunity in life (and even a second chance).
- My “to go to” dish is definitely pasta… It is the fastest thing I can cook in an incredible variatey of sauces and it never gets boring! I guess I am just Italian like that! 😉
So… time to pass on this bunch of awards to…
Daksha from Daksha’s Vegetarian Recipes World
Giulia from Alter Kitchen
Jill from Mad About Macarons
Liz from That Skinny Chick Can Bake!!!
Nami from Just One Cookbook
Paola from An Italian Cooking in the Midwest
Sandra from Sandra’s Easy Cooking
Tiffany from Como Water
Tina from Pinay Cooking Corner
Visda from Eat, Drink and Just Be!
Hope you have fun browsing all the above amaizing sites. I always check them out and each post is mouthwatering!!!
Thank you again so much Lyn from My Lil Messy & Cheeky and Katherine from Katherine Martinelli!!!!!
Congrats on all the awards this weekend 🙂 You deserve them! We can all always stand to improve, but your photos are very good! I always enjoy your step-by-step photos, they really walk me through the recipe and make me feel confident that I could prepare them on my own.
I don’t have a lot of photography equipment, but there are a few things that have made a huge difference for me. I have a nikon d3000 digital camera, which I love. The lens it came with is decent and I use it often but I have one other lens, a 50mm (http://www.amazon.com/Nikon-50mm-Nikkor-Digital-Cameras/dp/B00005LEN4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1307185188&sr=8-1). The auto focus doesn’t work with my camera so sometimes I get lazy and don’t use it, but the photos are much better with it. I highly recommend looking into a 50mm lens of some sort, they are great for food!
My other favorite toy is my Lowell Ego light (http://www.amazon.com/Lowel-Digital-Imaging-Tabletop-Fluorescent/dp/B0009K50RO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1307185362&sr=1-1). I wish I could take all my photos with natural light, but I find myself working more often at night. This light is inexpensive and produces professional quality lighting. I love it!
Enough blabbing – also wanted to say that I love this recipe! My husband loves meatloaf and I rarely make it. This will be the next one I try!
Thank you soooo much for the advice Katherine! It is really useful to me! I definitely need a light, as it is getting dark too early here (it’s winter) and it is getting very hard to take decent pictures! That would help me a lot as I could take the pictures of certain dishes when the kids are asleep and I would have more time for the styling… 😉
I also need a lens!! I am doing some research and yours looks like a very good option! 🙂
Manu!!! Thank you SO much for passing on this fabulous bunch of awards!!! You are one of my top blogger friends, so I’m doubly delighted for this honor.
Now on to the meatloaf…wow! I’ve stuffed meatloaf with mozzarella, but this takes it to a whole new level! Once our temps dip, I’m going to try my hand at this…yum, yum.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xo
PS…I’m striving to have my photos look as good as yours! I’m always in a rush…I think slowing down might help me 🙂 I do have the 50mm lens…but like you, I think I need to read the manual really understand what I’m doing!
I’ve never really been a meatloaf fan but that’s because I couldn’t really get into the traditional ingredients. I really your recipes components though, especially the Parmigiano Reggiano and the mortadella. That sounds so good! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I never made polpettone like this (everyone has his/her own recipe), but this looks really yummy!
And thanks thanks thanks a lot for all these award… Now I have to study another 7 things about me 😀
PS: I totally understand your first point (I’m an only child, too), and yes… with your pasta fling you’re definitely Italian 😀
Oh how I love meatloaf and this is a gorgeous creation! Oh I want to be eating it right NOW!!! Congrats on your awards 🙂 I loved reading a bit more about you. About being an only child – that I think is true of so many only child adults, you aren’t alone. And I too love a genuine smile. A smile goes a long way to make or break someone’s day. 🙂 Have a great weekend!! ♥- K
Congrats on all of your awards! I love meatloaf and my husband would love the fact that this one is stuffed! I have never made a stuffed meatloaf, he would fall over!
Congrats on the awards Manu. I think I’ve said before – every single thing you make, I want to cook. Growing up, there were times when I would gladly have parted with my 3 sisters and 3 brothers, but they’ve turned into wonderful adults and I’m always happy to spend time with them. I agree with you on the ‘smile’ – it costs nothing but has the power to lift the spirits. 🙂
Manu, I have to say, I was never a big fan of meatloaf, BUT, this looks sooo much better then any meatloaf I have ever had!! My husband likes meatloaf so I think I will have to try this sometime!
Congrats on your awards! You very much deserve them, you are one of those blogs I visit very often, I love it!!
I think we all feel the same about improving on our presentation and photography skills. Your photos are really wonderful!! I love how you have the step by step pictures.
Thanks Manu! for passing this bunch of awards!!! the meatloaf…looks wow! super like! enjoy the weekend.
Thank you sooo much Manu! I will try to find 7 interesting things to say about myself….
The meatloaf looks great! I am always afraid of cooking it “free”, I’m always afraid it will break…. I usually resort to oven dishes and parchment paper, but it looks like you don’t need to! Great job!
Congrats on all your awards! I’ve been following you for a bit, but I can definitely say that you deserve them all… you have a great blog!
The meatloaf looks fantabulous… I just love food that can be stuffed with more food. 🙂
OMG, that is one gorgeous stuffed meat loaf, and I wish you were serving that to me tonight! First time I made a Polpettone was after watching a Biba Cahhione cooking show when I was about 13 . I was hooked thereafter. Must try yours!
What a lovely blog and great recipes…love the meatloaf I am making very similar version. Nice meeting you:)
Congratulations on all your awards, Manu! And thanks so much for thinking of me once again! I’m so touched! 🙂
Your meatloaf looks great! Nice shots as always!
By the way, I just posted my version of your Strawberries and Cream in Puff Pastry Cases…but I admit yours is better! 🙂
I’ve never made stuffed meatloaf because I thought it’s just too complicated, thank you for showing us the way and making it look so simple:). Congrats on the awards, absolutely well-deserved:)! I am in total agreement with your no.5 and 7 :D)!
OMG! I absolutely LOVE meatloaf! This is a must try for me! I swear everytime I make meatloaf or say I’m making it, I yell out, “Ma! Meatloaf! Meatloaf Ma!” Which came from Will Ferrel in Wedding Crashers. I know, I’m a bit of a nerd 🙂 Anyhow, I’m like you, I know there is always room for improvement, but we can just do the best we can and have fun with it! If it’s not fun, then what’s the point? Besides, I love your blog!
Your style of cooking is so different dear. This is yet another great recipe you shared and I am sure lot many people along with me is enjoying this a lot!
Manu I am sorry it took me so long to come and thank you for thinking of me and my blog again! I am so happy to know you bit better and really wish that you are closer and not on the other side of the world:) Oh Congrats on well deserved awards!!:)
Your meatloaf if mouthwatering and not dry..just perfect!!!! Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful Sunday!!!
Hi Manu! I can see why you are a good cook. When you mentioned that your mom is a good cook, it means she’s like a chef! She’s been cooking for a longer time, and by looking how you cook, I can see your mom is an amazing cook. How lucky you are! This meatloaf looks great and cheese in it!! I’d love to try this, even though I’m not a big fan of meatloaf. It just different from what I see here. And congrats on your well-deserved awards! And you are so kind to pass them to me…. Thank you Manu. Thank you for thinking of me and my website! 🙂 Have a great weekend dear!
Manu..sorry my comment is getting long but I forgot to talk about your 7 things… 2) I like using my 60mm macro lens. It’s sort of hard to use it for step-by-step, but I think my pictures improved after I changed to macro. And I have same issue. I don’t have ‘free’ time to read instructions or book to improve my skills. I still don’t get how camera functions. My husband explained to me 100 times but I just can’t comprehend. I excuse it as my poor English comprehension but honestly I really think I don’t get technical language. 3) Agree. You have to enjoy it and we are doing this not for others. I’m making my own cookbook (that’s why it’s called Just One Cookbook – it’s for me) and I’m making this for my kids so they can cook Japanese food… so let’s keep it true to ourselves. 🙂 4) I’m counting on that same thing. When kids go to school, I will definitely BAKE! I’ll end here before people think my comment is annoying. Sorry everyone! >_<
i can definately imagine eating this meatloaf with the cheese ozzing into my mouth yum!
Hi Manu! Congrats on all your awards! You truly deserved them! 😀
Tks so much for your sweet compliments on my blog, greatly appreciated! ^.^
I love this Polpettone too much! Especially those melted CHEESE!!! xD I bet my husband will love them more than me! (he’s a big meat-eater, can’t survive w/o them! LOL)
Your cooking and photography skills are SOOO GOOD!!! Always so beautiful and attractive! ^.^
Enjoy and have a great weekend! 😀
Wow… I’ve never seen meatloaf that looks like that, and it looks incredibly good! Especially with all that yummy cheese… Great recipe, Manu! I’m sure this would be a hit if I made it at home! Loved reading your 7 things 🙂 Pasta is my go-to dish too… Congrats on all those awards! You sure deserve them with all these yummy recipes you’ve been posting! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this one…
Thanks Manu for honoring me with an award. I have to work on my blog to build up to the expectations.:-)
This meatloaf looks so delicious. I have never made one because I always thought it’s too complicated for me to even start with it, but you explain the whole method with all the details about the ingredients so thoroughly that it makes it sound doable even for an amateur like me. I also enjoyed reading your points, I totally see how much joy you have in cooking in every single one of your posts and your pictures show how mouth watering your dishes are but i can understand that you are improving them to perfection. Always so delighted to read your posts. Have a great sunday.
Bellissimo il tuo polpettone! Io ne faccio uno simile, con la mortadella macinata assieme a tutto il resto…come ci sta bene!
This looks quite interesting, I am such a meatloaf fan I will definitely have to try this 🙂
This sounds wonderful…I love the filling and I think I’m definitely going to take inspiration from this and make a stuffed meatloaf next time…so, thank you 🙂 Congrats on your awards!
Stuffed meatloaf… WHY HAVEN’T I THOUGHT OF THIS!?!?!? *brilliant*
Manu, mother’s cooking is something we all love. They are more experienced in cooking than we are. Your mom’s signature dish is amazing!! You are so good in photography and by saying that you are not 100% satisfied only shows how perfectionist you are. Have to save this recipe. Have to try this out!
That’s exactly how my mom makes them 🙂 And they are always so so good..
Manu, Manu, Manu. What can I say? For a start, you’ve shared yet another GORGEOUS recipe. I can just imagine you growing up and uttering “pol-pet-tone” repeatedly to your Mum. And you’re STILL doing it, eh? 😉
You are so right: it looks fabulous. Fabulous shower of awards and deservedly so, Manu – can’t believe you’ve passed them on. I am utterly bowled over – merci, my friend 🙂
Oh – forgot to mention that you’re making my knees knock. What a perfectionist you are – your photos and step-by-step etc are always incredible. I don’t know how you do it with the youngsters, too! Bravo, Manu!
Manu, congratulations on the awards…the stuffed meatloaf with mortadella nd provolone looks delicious. I am glad that I could learned a little bit more about you 🙂
Have a great week ahead 🙂
Thanks for the award Manu! You rock! 😀
This looks fantastic! I love your step-by-step instructions. Congrats on all your awards!
Stuffed meatloaf! Great idea. Always looking for fun ways to spice up meatloaf and this looks fantastic. Love the onions! First timer here…can’t wait to poke around some more. I already love what I see!
Lots of yummy love,
Alex aka Ma What’s For Dinner
Congrats on your awards Manu 🙂
very well deserved..
and I totally agree with you…especially on 2, 3 and 4..
Ok Manu this is on the to cook list! It looks wonderful and I can so imagine it on a cold Winter’s night! 😀