As you may remember, just before Christmas, my youngest daughter turned 8. She wanted an Indian themed birthday party, so she and her sister could wear the beautiful Indian outfits their grandma got for them from India.
Italian Garlic Croissants
I hope you had a great New Year’s Eve and I wish you all a fantastic 2017! Today I will show you how to make Italian Garlic Croissants. This is another version of the Savoury Italian Croissants I already shared with you a while ago. Italian croissants – also known as Cornetti – can be…
Doraemon Cake
My youngest daughter turned 7 on the 1st of December. She fell in love with Doraemon when we visited Japan a couple of years ago and this year she requested a Japanese themed birthday party and a Doraemon cake! As I too love Japan and grew up watching Japanese anime (Doraemon included!), I was very…
Savoury Italian Croissants
Today I will show you how to make Savoury Italian Croissants. This is an easier version of croissants, as it does not require you to do a beurrage. The final result is softer, more brioche-like than the flaky Croissants au beurre you eat in France. In Italy, we call these rolls Cornetti and they can…
Rapunzel Cake
My youngest daughter Georgia just turned 6. I usually organise a party at our place, but this year she asked for something different. She wanted to celebrate her birthday at the bowling and invite some of her friends. And so we did. All I had to do was to make the birthday cake. Like all…
Rosette Cake
I made this cake for my eldest daughter’s birthday party. As she turned 8, she wanted something a little bit more “grown up” than the usual fondant cakes. The theme of the party was “high tea”, so I though that a Rosette Cake would do the trick. This was my first Rosette cake and my…
Playful Kitten Cake
My youngest daughter loves animals and she has a true passion for cats. So, this year, she chose to have a Kitty Cat party to celebrate her 5th birthday. I had seen some Playful Kitten Cakes around the web before and I immediately decided to try my hands at one, as they perfectly fitted the…
Georgia’s 5th Birthday
On the 1st my youngest daughter turned 5!! I cannot believe she is 5 already and that in January she will be going to “big school”. Georgia is definitely ready for it… mum, not so much. She’s the baby of the house and seeing her grow up so fast is both amazing and scary. She…
Troll Cookies
Today’s post is about turning a failure into a success story. I had seen some beautiful cookies on Pinterest that looked just like snowballs. They were covered in icing sugar, which gave the illusion of fresh snow. So, I had no doubt that I wanted to make them for my daughter’s Frozen party and they…
Sweet Popcorn Snowballs
I made these Sweet Popcorn Snowballs as part of the menu for my daughter’s 7th birthday party. As the theme was Frozen, I thought having edible snowballs would be a fun idea. These are easy to make and look quite nice. You can make them for a winter themed buffet or save the recipe for…
Frozen Cake
Like all little girls her age, Victoria has a fascination with princess stories and the latest Disney movie is no exception. She fell in love with Frozen (and so did her little sister)… movie, songs, costumes… everything. She knows parts of it by heart, I am not kidding! So for her 7th birthday party, she…
Victoria’s 7th Birthday
On the 16th we celebrated my eldest daughter Victoria’s 7th birthday!!! I know I always say this, but I really cannot believe how fast time flies. Victoria is turning into a beautiful and thoughtful little girl and I am trying to enjoy these years as much as I can, as I know she will soon…