I cannot believe a full year has passed since I started blogging. It is so true when they say “time flies when you are having fun”! 1 year has indeed gone by and I find myself celebrating the first blogiversary of Manu’s Menu.
People often ask me why I started blogging. I guess there are many reasons. I have always loved cooking and I had taken up the habit of publishing the pictures of my final dishes on my personal Facebook page. It was the easiest way I had to share my accomplishments with friends and family who all live far away. One of these special friends suggested that I started a blog to share my passion for cooking. And I will never be able to thank her enough for the push in the right direction. “Cì” had just started her own blog, Il Mondo di Cì, a fantastic project about travelling, books, children’s crafts, cooking and much more. There is always something new and I really enjoy reading it!!! <3 She helped me out A LOT. I had a very vague idea of what a blog was, and no idea at all on how to create one! My introduction to the blogosphere would have been much harder without her precious advice! Thank you sooo much Cì! 🙂
In the last year I have learnt so much! I know so much more about computers and social media! Who would have thought I would be able to write some (simple) coding?! Or become a Twitter addict?? Hahahaha But there is something where I think my improvement is easily visible by anyone: food photography. Don’t get me wrong… I don’t consider myself a good food photographer just yet. I still have so much to learn (and this is one of my goals for this second year of blogging), but if you look at my older posts and compare them with the latest ones, I think you will easily understand what I mean! 😉
To prove my point further… if you take a look at my TasteSpotting, Foodgawker and Tasteologie galleries, you will see that the number of pictures accepted has been improving steadily! 🙂
I consider myself very lucky as I met many wonderful people along the way. People who share my same passion for food and food photography and who are always there to leave a sweet comment on my blog or to answer my questions when I have some. People I don’t know personally as we have never met, but whom I feel very close to as nothing brings people closer than sharing the same passion. I want you to know that even though I do not always reply to each single comment, I read ALL of them and they mean the world to me! Every comment is special to me… so keep them coming! I would love to thank each one of you personally for all your support and love, but as that would be a bit… impractical, I thought a giveaway would do! 😉 More on that at the end of the post…
I had never even dreamt that my blog would be read by so many (amazing!) readers! I do not usually do this as I am a bit of a shy person (oh yessss I am!), but the summary of this first year of blogging would not be complete if I did not share some statistical data:
As you can see from the above screenshot Manu’s Menu has been visited by over 185,000 people and it has a pageview count of almost 735,000 with a bounce rate of 2.51% which, I’ve been told, is quite good! 😉
I am quite satisfied with the results in the Social Media area… Manu’s Menu has almost 1100 followers between Facebook and Twitter and about 330 email subscribers. These may not seem huge numbers, but they ARE to me!!! These achievements go well beyond my expectations! THANK YOU!!!
I have also had the honour of winning 2 recipe challenges at FoodFrenzy, of being on Foodbuzz Top 9 several times, of being mentioned twice on Yummly and of being featured in a variety of online publications! Check out my Featured On page for a complete list!
I also thought it would be nice to share Manu’s Menu 10 most visited posts of the year with all of you… here they go (from the most visited to the least visited)!
For the complete list of the recipes that I have published this year, go to my Visual Archive.
Once more I want to thank all of my readers for the love and support you shower on me!!! I hope I can improve my blog even more in the new year… I also have a couple of projects I would love to work on, but that’s for another post. 🙂
In the meantime, let’s get to the Giveaway!
To celebrate Manu’s Menu 1st blogiversary I am giving away 2 Amazon.com Gift Cards. You could win one $50 Amazon.com Gift Card OR one $25 Amazon.com Gift Card.
Each entry in the giveaway is based on a comment. There is a minimum of 1 comment/entry (see REQUIRED ENTRY) and a maximum of 6 comments/entries per person (see EXTRA ENTRIES).
Write a comment on this post telling me what is your favourite MsM’s recipe or where you would like to see some improvement.
The required entry must be done otherwise any extra entries will not count.
EXTRA ENTRIES (for more chances to win):
You can do any or some or all of the 5 options below. Note that if you already follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook and/or already subscribe to Manu’s Menu you must comment for each one if you want the additional entries, as each one counts as an entry. PLEASE make sure you provide your Twitter user name and your Facebook user name on your comments for validation.
1. Become a fan of Manu’s Menu on Facebook.
2. Share the link for this giveaway on your Facebook profile and tag @Manu’s Menu on FB in your message.
3. Follow @manusmenucom on Twitter.
4. Tweet the following: I entered Manu’s Menu giveaway to win a $50 or a $25 Amazon GC via @manusmenucom http://bit.ly/xtydWE #giveaway
5. Subscribe to Manu’s Menu updates by email or to my RSS feed.
PLEASE REMEMBER: Leave a separate comment for EACH of your entries or only one entry will be counted.
The giveaway will end on January 29, 2012 at 11:59 pm GMT. Two winners with a valid entry will be selected at random through random.org. (ONLY ONE Gift Card per person – the first entry drawn will win the $50 Gift Card and the second entry drawn will win the $25 Gift Card). I will announce the winners on the blog soon afterwards and email the winners. He/she will have to respond to my email within 3 days to claim the prize or another winner/s will be selected. You may NOT enter using multiple email addresses and there is a maximum of 6 entries per person. This giveaway is open to EVERYONE no matter where you live (I always feel a bit left out when I read “USA only”!). So… GOOD LUCK everyone! <3
Congratulations on your 1 year Blogiversary! 🙂 What a wonderful giveaway to celebrate. It’s hard to pick just one favorite when you have so many awesome recipes! If I have to pick just one, it’ll be the Matcha Ice Cream! Beautiful and delicious. 🙂
amy [at] utry [dot] it
I Became a fan of Manu’s Menu on Facebook. User name: Amy Tong
amy [at] utry [dot] it
I shared your link/post on Facebook and here’s the link:https://www.facebook.com/uTry.it/posts/171326592975504
amy [at] utry [dot] it
I Twitted about this giveaway and here’s the link: https://twitter.com/#!/uTry_it/status/158843568235089920
my twitter handle is utry_it
amy [at] utry [dot] it
I’m already a RSS feed subscriber! Don’t want to miss any of your post and recipe! 🙂 Thank you for this awesome blog and inspirations!
amy [at] utry [dot] it
I’m following you on twitter now with handle @utry_it
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Congrats on your blogiversary….wish u r space many more yum years to come….i just can’t take my eyes of that chicken wings….they are looking so saucy and juicy that i could break down my computer screen to dig into them…..
Congratulations on your first year of blogging: to be honest I thought you had been blogging for much longer. You did an amazing job and you know how much I love reading you. As to my favorite recipe: gosh, that is a tough one. Perhaps the annelletti al forno, because they are close to my heart but I also really admire your macarons.
Just tweeted about your give away!
I love the baked anelletti. In general I Iove your whole blog, the pictures are always amazing and the explanations are clear.
I follow you on twitter @jacquelinenjeri
Congratulations. I’ve loved your blog for as long as I can remember. Your recipes are different, not so difficult that I don’t dare try them and the photos are always great. I’ll go tweet now. 🙂
Congrats on your first year! May we be blessed with many more. Happy cooking!
I tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/jacquelinenjeri/status/158906797476937728
The Panna Cotta Tricolore is definitely my favorite.
I like Manu’s Menu on FB with my username Mary Happymommy.
Shared on FB–https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=152765474835093&id=100000611160195
congrats on one yearof blogging! It sounds like it’s been a great year. I still remember your shawarma recipe. Having recently moved to the Middle East, I’ve got to eat some great shawardmas but have yet to make a good one.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! It’s hard to believe that it’s ONLY been one year because of all of your wonderful recipes and everything that you’ve accomplished. A bounce rate of 2.51% is INCREDIBLE! But then who could bounce off your site? There’s so much to see. In fact, I see I’ve missed some stuff! Where did that triple salted caramel cupcakes come from? 🙂 I need to find them! I made your lime shooters for my Bday party and they were a HUGE hit, so I’ll have to say they are my favorite! I have every intention of making the Frittatine Alla Parmigiana, because it just looks cool. Have a great day!
@mjskit already follows you on Twitter.
MJ’s Kitchen and Mary Jane Willis already following you on FB.
I just tweeted your giveaway!
I just subscribed to your email notices. I can’t believe I hadn’t already done that! 🙂
You do beautiful work and I’m happy I found your blog.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary Manu, and what a generous giveaway. I really loved the photo of the cupcakes with the spun sugar, just gorgeous.
Congratulations! Your blog is wonderful, I hope mine will look nearly as good when I hit 1 year 🙂 You should be very proud of yourself.
I am right with the masses – those salted caramel cupcakes are amazing.
Manuela, happy anniversary to your blog! I wish you many more successful years ahead:) I enjoy reading your posts and your photography is amazing:)
The numbers are quite impressive and you have a lot to be proud of.
I started learning code and I signed up for a 365 photo contest in order to improve my photography:)
Congrats and happy 1 year blogiversary, Manu! You did your blog so awesomely good! I love your desserts and snacks most. 😉
Congratulations! I love your blog in that you clearly explain steps, and the photography is great!
My only suggestion would be to NOT include your whole blog entry in your RSS feed. Your entries tend to be long, and I would rather view your post at your webpage instead of in my reader.
Your blog is truly amazing for recipes, photos and yum factor.
Congratulations on MsM’s first anniversary and on your wonderful accomplishments, Manu! I’m truly glad to have found you and your amazing blog! So far, my most favorite of your recipes is the Strawberries and Cream in Puff Pastry Cases. It’s so simple to make!
I shared about your giveaway on Facebook!
I am following you on twitter!
I also tweeted about this giveaway! 🙂
Congrats! I cannot believe those numbers, meaning it would take me 10 years to get those stats!
My favorite recipe has to be pasta alla carbonara, just because it is how I found your website!
Happy one year! You have accomplished SO MUCH. The chicken shwarma sounds so good.
I like you…on Facebook too.
I’m following you on twitter.
I already have you on an RSS feed. Congrats on your blogiversary, you’ve done very well! I have one coming up myself…
i’m a fairly new follower so haven’t tried many recipes yet (but looking forward to) but love your focaccia!
i follow you on facebook
i get your e-mails
Love the recipes especially the caramel cupcakes and wings.
Fan of Manu’s Menu on Facebook. FB name Jan Peoples
Shared giveaway on facebook. FB name Jan Peoples
I follow @manusmenucom on twitter @disneyfan40
I subscribe to Manu’s Menu via google reader
i would like to see more recipes! like desserts! with more pics! they are all so yummy!
fb fan of yours courtney bella
twitter follower meandbells
i’m an email subscriber
Congrats on your anniversary…Its good to see other men that enjoy cooking
Congratulations on your 1 yrs. Blogiversary. Well done! Your photography skills has indeed shown great improvement. Love so many of your recipes. Hmmm, pick a fave – Lime Shooters, Crostini, Ricotta Gnocchi or any of the MANY others I have actually made. Have to go with the Lime Shooters. They were a huge hit at my End of Summer party. Looking forward to many more of your entries. The only improvement I can offer (only because it is to my advantage) is to make more amuse-bouche recipes. I entertain a lot and love the small bite theme. Other than that, your photography is awesome, your taste pallette is awesome.
Congrats on your blogaversary! If I had to pick just one it would be the triple salted caramel cupcakes. I am a salted caramel fanatic!
I follow on twitter (@jesshose)
Congratulations! Only one year and such fantastic achievements. I know I could learn a thing or two from you! Do you realise that YOU are now the mentor? Well done!
All the recipes look so yummy but the macarons with white chocolate and mint ganache seem so decadent!
Facebook fan as Sarah Blake!
following on twitter as xsarry777x
Nice one Manu. I love your blog and always have. Keep up the good work!
I am new to the blog but the green tea ice cream made my mouth water. I love ice cream. My mom in-law likes to get the family together to make homemade ice cream so maybe I can find the powder and have us make that. Yum. I love the pictures. I am now hungry thank you ha ha :0)
Facebook fan :0) (June Lisle)
I follow @manusmenucom on twitter @Battle_Cry87
My tweet :0)
I am a confirmed email subscriber with the email used in this comment form :0)
Congratulations on your 1 year Blogiversary!
Your recipes are very wonderful and very informative…I have learned a lot of things from you….Keep rocking
Happy blog-versary, Manu!
I love every single one of your recipe, but right now I’m in love with your Sicilian Street Food parade 🙂
I’m already your fan on FB!
I shared the link on FB!
I already follow you on Twitter
I twitted about your giveaway!
I’m already your RSS feed subscriber
Congrats on how far you have come in one short year. It actually did surprise me, I thought you had been blogging for a lot longer! Your recap does showcase the talent and versatility that you have in the kitchen, so I can understand why you have so many followers. Sweet of you to do this giveaway, have a great day!
I love all things dessert…and the tri-colored panna cotta was one of my favorite (such beautiful color).
I tweeted the giveaway (@rachelkyle0402)
I subscribe to your feed 🙂
I shared the link on FB
Congratulations Manu! Although I only recently found your blog, I absolutely love your creative recipes. I’ve tried some of them and have never been disappointed! Here’s to an even better second year! 🙂
Congrats Manu on the first anniversary.Wishes and prayers for more years of happy blogging. I love all of your recipes especially the sweet coal and colorful panacotta were my mot favorite.
Gosh, congratulations on ALL your success, Manu!!! Amazing numbers…I still remember that your tri colored panna cotta was one of my first visits to your blog 🙂 So that is my most memorable post of yours…you rocked that Daring Bakers’ challenge!
I’m a facebook fan~
I’m a twitter follower~
Congratulations Manu for the wonderful job you have done in this past year! I’m subscribing your posts and I’m really impressed by daily updates of recipes, not just recipes – they are all amazingly delicious ones. All I can say is that I wish you are my mom (lol) or wife (!)…or maybe neighbor. Are you asking me my favorite? The lists will go on, but I have made your Carbonara many many times and all of us love it! Congrats again – your stats is great and keep up the good work and keep delicious recipes coming! =)
Subscribing via email already – and it’s wonderful.
Following facebook already.
Following twitter already (but I know we don’t talk much besides #FF haha).
Bravo Manu, you are amazing!
Exclude me on the giveaway because I just want to say “Happy 1st Year Anniversary” on your wonderful blog, Manu! Thank you for bringing and sharing these delicious and authentic Italian cuisines. Wish you more success my friend! 🙂
~ ray ~
Congratulations on one year! I think your curry puffs are amazing 😀
I subscribe by rss
I like MsM on FB
Congrats on your anniversary! Such a special time! All your top 10 dishes look so yummy, especially the Chicken Shawarma! That would be my fav off your list! 🙂
Love your top recipes round-up… my favorite would have to be the hello kitty cake pops! Simply because they are so darn cute! Congrats on your first blogiversary, Manu! You are amazing! 🙂
I already am a fan on facebook! 🙂
I already follow you on Twitter!
P.S. – Thanks for an international giveaway! I appreciate feeling included for once! 🙂
I am already an email subscriber of Manu’s Menu!
Just tweeted about your giveaway – my twitter handle is @theharriedcook… :))
My favourite M&M’s recipe is M&M’s cookies…
OH my ! How did I miss this !!
HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY sweetie and I wish you and your blog many many successful years ahead. Love your blog .. love your work! Keep rocking sweetie.
I would have to say that the coconut creme brulee really catches my eye!!!
Fan on Facebook.
One year Manu…!!! Isn’t it incredible???? Yes, time is faster that we think. Your blog is amazing, I learned a lot about Italian food, real Italian food, and that is priceless. Don’t stop sharing all what you know….and some day I will try to make your gnocchi with gorgonzola souse…my favorite…
Congrats Manu! Such an achievement. I remember you are one of the first blogs I started following when I created mine. Every recipe you post is so mouthwatering and I have MANY bookmarked 🙂 Here’s to another wonderful year!
Tutte le tue ricette sono favolose e le foto fantastiche! I love the Chicken and Saffron Consomme’ with Tortellini, a wonderful sophisticated taste of home! Congrats!
Liked you on FB!
I love your Risotto Alla Milanese! So far it is the only one I have tried but they all look amazing and I will definitely be trying more! 🙂
I liked you on Facebook! My name is MunchTalk! 🙂
loved the curry puffs!
chicken shawarma please
just signed up for your emails
Congratulations on your blogiversary. Glad that a friend passed on the link for the shawarma; really good and I found this site! Have long considered blogging but have much trepidation. Not only are the recipes an inspiration but so is your experience thus far with the blog. Also loved the green tea ice cream.
Keep it up!
I like your section on how to make the different pasta and gnocchi. I just started reading your blog, but so far I really enjoy it!
Fan on FB
Name is Jennifer Grimm
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Happy blog-anniversary! 🙂
I can believe those numbers 😉 because… it’s you and Manu’sMenu 😀
Pictures are great, recipes are detailed and easy to riproduce. All the blog is full of enthusiasm, passion. The most important thing is that you make people able to taste the authentic italian style food their place!
Thank you for mentioning me and for your words about my blog, you made me feel so happy and glad we are friends! It’s so beautiful we two supporting each other! 🙂
Thank you so much!
I like your beautiful foundant cakes. I wish you’ll write some vegan receipt soon 😉 so that I won’t have to veganize everything!
Following you on FB, twitter, pinterest.
I shared this post on FB and here
God luck everybody!
i love your green tea ice cream recipe, it’s so simple to make, yet so delicious 🙂
I just subscribed to your email notices. can’t wait for new posts 🙂
http://www.manusmenu.com/curry-puffs this recipe thanks
email subscrisber
like u on fb Julie A Scott Laws
My favorite is the Sicilian Cannoli recipe.
I’m a fan of Manu’s Menu on Facebook. (Deanna Cali)
Shared on Facebook:
I follow @manusmenucom on Twitter. (@calidreamin87)
I subscribe via RSS.
My favorite is the Hello Kitty Cake Pops! They are awesome and less fancy cake pops that are store bought cost a fortune!
I tweeted
Congratulations Manu; I’m looking forward to many more years of wonderful recipes from you.
The cakepop probable because they are something new here and very easy to make, anso the falafel one
Happy Blogiversary!!!!!
You weren’t kidding, our anniversaries were like mirrored at the same time, but you are far preceding where I am. Very nicely done. I am slowly but surely working my blog to be better each day and hopefully I will have a new page design too.
So happy for you, and now I have to go drool over some of these dishes…. yummmmmm
Prova prova.. 123 prova?!?!
Buona giornata