I love a good burger… who doesn’t? I always make my own patties, and this Low Fodmap Beef Burger is a great addition to my burger collection.
White Sandwich Bread
I absolutely adore homemade bread and I try and bake some as often as I can. My go-to bread recipe is this easy to make Ciabatta, as I love bread with a crunchy top. However, I also like homemade sandwich bread. I find it much easier to digest than store-bought ones.
Today I am going to share with you one of my favourite Japanese recipes: Onigiri – aka Japanese Rice Balls. As you know, in the last 2 years, my family and I have visited Japan twice (check out my 2015 post and my 2017 post). We literally love the country and its food! Not only,…
Italian Garlic Croissants
I hope you had a great New Year’s Eve and I wish you all a fantastic 2017! Today I will show you how to make Italian Garlic Croissants. This is another version of the Savoury Italian Croissants I already shared with you a while ago. Italian croissants – also known as Cornetti – can be…
Savoury Italian Croissants
Today I will show you how to make Savoury Italian Croissants. This is an easier version of croissants, as it does not require you to do a beurrage. The final result is softer, more brioche-like than the flaky Croissants au beurre you eat in France. In Italy, we call these rolls Cornetti and they can…
Chicken Tonnato Wrap
If you follow my blog, you will know that I have recently been operated to remove my gallbladder, as I had gallstones. In the weeks before the surgery, I had to follow a strictly low-fat (fat-free, really!) diet. This Chicken Tonnato Wrap was one of my favourite lunches. It was filling, healthy and satisfying. I…
Turkey Eggplant Caviar Lettuce Wrap
If you follow my blog, you will know that I have recently been operated to remove my gallbladder, as I had gallstones. In the weeks leading to the surgery, I had to follow a strictly low-fat diet. As such, I had to come up with alternatives for my meals that included no more than 2…
Ham Lettuce Tomato Wrap
If you have subscribed to my Newsletter (you can do so from the side-bar!), you will know that I have gallstones and I will be operated in the next few days. I have been dealing with this for almost 2 months and I have been on a low fat (almost fat-free) diet. As such, I…
Cajun Burgers
With both the Super Bowl and Mardi Gras around the corner, how about putting some cajun spice into your life? As you know, I love to come up with different combinations of flavours for burgers and this recipe is an absolute keeper. Remember I shared my home-made recipe for Cajun Seasoning in my last post?…
Panettone Gastronomico
If you are one of MsM’s Newsletter subscribers, you may have noticed that today I was supposed to share a different recipe. The truth is I was not sure I would make it in time to work on this Panettone post as I made it for Christmas, but as it is something that Italians do…
Parma Burger
My kids love burgers, so in an attempt to keep their meals as healthy as possible, I usually make them at home. I always make my own beef patties as I like to play around with flavours and these Parma Burgers were an instant hit. These burgers have an Italian twist. The patties are made…
Tonkatsu Sandwich
I first had Tonkatsu Sandwiches when we bought them in Shin-Osaka on our way to Hiroshima/Miyajima and it was love at first bite. The bread was so soft and the meat was crunchy, yet tender and juicy: it was perfection in a sandwich. I also really liked the sauce in it, but my daughters were…
Ham and Cheese Sicilian Brioches
I made these Ham and Cheese Sicilian Brioches for my daughter’s 8th birthday party. When I was a child, I would spend part of my summer holidays at my nonni’s house in Palermo. Not far from where they used to live, there was a place called I Cuochini (aka the little cooks) where my mum…
Asian Chicken Sliders with Sriracha Mayo
This weekend is all about Super Bowl food, so if you are like me and LOVE the kind of food that is served for such sporting events, you are in for a big treat! As you know, I don’t follow football and not living in the USA, also means no Super Bowl… but Italians are…
You may not know this, but I have always had a fascination for Scandinavia. I have visited Denmark a few times and I have been to Finland and Norway too. Growing up, I have had my share of Scandinavian food and I must say it is delicious. One of my favourite dishes is definitely Smørrebrød…
Salmon Sliders with Aioli
Who said burgers have to be made with meat?? I love a good veggie burger and I love a fish burger even more. These sliders are made with fresh salmon, home-made buns, vegetables and home-made aioli, so besides being utterly delicious they are also fully home-made and they are a healthier take on regular sliders. …
Alpine Sliders #SundaySupper
This week’s Sunday Supper is all about Super Bowl food, as the event is called “Super Eats for Game Day”, so if you are like me and LOVE the kind of food that is served for such occasions, you are in for a big treat! In fact, I cannot wait to read all the amazing recipe…
For my daughter’s 6th birthday party, I wanted to make a few savoury items as well. As the theme was fairies and nature, I thought of playing around with shapes. My first thought was to make sandwiches and cut them into cute shapes, but then I changed my mind as I wanted something a bit…
For this week’s Regional Italian recipe, I want to take you to the region of Emilia-Romagna, a culinary heaven. Suffice it to say that it is the region where Balsamic Vinegar, Mortadella, Prosciutto di Parma and Parmigiano Reggiano are produced… just to mention a few of the amazing delicacies that this region is famous for. …
I must admit that I had my very first chicken salad when I visited the USA in 1997. Yes… quite late in life (well, I am not THAT old, but the point is, it is not a dish I grew up eating!). I am not sure why, but it is not something my family would…
I know I have said this before… but before I started bogging I do not recall baking bread at home. My husband and I do not eat a lot of bread (I am very “un-Italian” in this aspect) and I always thought that baking bread at home was too complicated and not worth it. My…
I made these buns to serve with the Aussie Burgers I prepared for my “Come have some Aussie tucker, mate!” event that I organised as part of Foodbuzz’s 24×24 program. They were sensational! Soft and brioche-like… just like a burger bun should be. You can see what I mean from the pictures below… the dough…