Oh no, this is not an Italian recipe. In fact, scones are unknown in Italy. A few weeks ago, I went out for high tea (again, something not Italian at all) with some girl friends (they were Italian though! ;-)) and among all sorts of yummy goodies, they served us scones with cream & strawberries and jam. They were delicious, and it got me thinking that I had never made scones at home. I needed to remedy that… after all I am Australian too! So, I did some research and found this recipe that makes yummy scones and thought of sharing it with you as I think it is quite good. You can serve them with jam and strawberries & cream. I personally loved them with blueberry curd (recipe to follow). Enjoy!
Recipe adapted from abc.net.au
Ingredients: (makes 6-7)
300 gms – 10.5 oz. plain flour mixed with 4 tsp of baking powder OR
300 gms – 10.5 oz. self-raising flour
30 gms – 2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp caster sugar
180 mls – 3/4 cup milk OR for a richer flavour & denser texture you can try half milk/half cream
Sieve the flour (and the baking powder) and put it in a mixer together with the butter (1). Mix for a few seconds, until the butter gets absorbed by the flour. Add the sugar and milk (2) and mix until combined. Then transfer the dough onto a floured surface (3). Knead for a couple of minutes (adding a little extra flour if required) until you get a soft but not sticky dough (4).
Pat the dough down into a sheet of 2 ½ cm in thickness (1 inch). Cut the dough into rounds with a scone/pasta cutter (mine was 7 cm – 2.75 inches in diameter). Shape the leftover dough into a slightly thicker sheet and cut out the remaining scones.
Place the scone rounds on an oven tray with their sides just touching each other (this produces a softer sided scone and helps to support them). If you prefer crisp tops and sides, place the scones apart from each other on the oven tray. Brush the top of the scones with a little milk.
Bake in a preheated oven at 220ºC – 430ºF for 12-15 minutes or until the scones are golden brown.
Serve warm with your favourite jam, whipped cream and strawberries, lemon curd or blueberry curd and a cup of hot tea.
I love scones! These are perfect!
Same here. Every time I see a scone recipe, it reminds me I still haven’t made my own. I fell in love with them when I went to England a few months ago to visit my daughter.
Especially with cream and jam!
I tried making scones only once and was surprised how easy they were compared to my expectations. I never thought they would turn out looking authentic but they did.
Scones are just to dry for me somehow – but they always do look delicious! Yours came out beautifully.
Most american recipes are far too dry (pity they haven’t taken note that most brits serve scones at LEAST with butter and jam, and not eat them as if they were a donut). This recipe looks to be moist and lovely… Thanks Manu.
Another wonderful recipe for me to try … come faccio a trovare il tempo ??? 🙂 … un affettuoso saluto … J
Cheese scones are even better!!
I, too, love scones and these look a lot fluffier and more moist than the scones I’ve made which usually need lots of jam. But believe, I wouldn’t hesitate to slap on a bunch of those beautiful strawberries and cream and probably a little jam as well. 🙂
Lovely scones!
Mmmm scones are so delish! I can never get mine to rise properly though, they always end up like flat biscuits…
gorgeous Manuela!! perfect recipe. making for breakfast this morning “-))
Hey Manu, how do u know I like scones? Hahaha! Love it! Happy Thanksgiving, dear!
The first time I made scones at home I was very exited, I found it so delicious, it’s like it melts in your mouth…then I saw the faces of my family…they didn’t like…but the scones were perfect, I mean, I did according with the recipe, I likes how those taste, then I realized what was the problem, the scones were sweet. After that the only scones I can make at home have to be savory. Of course I also liked it, but I missed the sweet ones.
These are gorgeous Manu. Congrats on top 9!
Those look wonderful with the jam! Congrats on making top 9!!!
what a beautiful beautiful photos..do you ship overnight? lol!!!!
Nicely done, and CONGRATS on top 9!!!! xoxo
Hooray for your Top 9! Your scones look incredible…especially those with the cream and berries….mmmmmmmm.
Yum! I want to make some now!
I just have one question, is the what stuff under the blueberry curd, that is on th scone in your picture, cream cheese, or something else?
– bri <3
Hi Brian! Thanks for the message! I put whipped cream on top of the scone and then the blueberry curd on top of that. 🙂
I just chanced upon your website and was truly blown away especially by the above pics..You are way too talented..Apart from cooking up lovely stuff, you create a visual traet as well…Just cant stop looking at the snaps..Truly inspirational… Keep up the great work!!! Hats o ff to u…
Aaawww THANK YOU soooo much for your sweet words Mareena!!! <3 Hope to see you around here more often! 🙂